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Employee Benefits

Attract & Retain The Employees You Want in Our Changing Economy

Due to the recent changes in our economy, employers are changing the benefits they offer to employees. Some growing and small business owners mistakenly believe they cannot afford to offer these benefits. While not doing so may boost a company's bottom line in the short run, that penny-wise decision could stifle long-term prosperity.


A benefits package attracts top talent and encourages employees to feel good about where they work and want to stay. Medical insurance heads the list of what they feel they must have. Many also demand coverage for dental and vision care, disability insurance, and life insurance.


"Van Hal Insurance Services is here to represent you and ensure that your business receives a quality plan for your employees at an affordable price for you," Ed Van Hal.

What Does an Employer Benefits Broker Do?

Not all employee benefits brokers are created equal. Some may work for one organization and therefore steer you only to choices from that provider. Others may be tied to multiple providers but may only specialize in one type of benefit.

Get a Quote

Certified and specializing in employee benefits since 1990, Ed Van Hal can create a package tailored to meet your company's needs. Contact Ed Van Hal about your requirements and he'll create a plan accordingly.

Thanks for requesting a quote. Ed will contact you soon.

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