The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was designed to give individuals and families greater access to affordable health insurance options including medical, dental, vision, and other types of health insurance that they may not have been able to get on their own or through an employer. Under the ACA:
Insurers can't refuse coverage based on gender or a pre-existing condition.
Lifetime and annual limits on coverage are eliminated.
Young adults can stay on their family’s insurance plan until age 26.
Seniors who hit the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan coverage gap, or “donut hole”, can get a discount on medication.
Van Hal Insurance Services offers a choice of plans through MNsure and the federal marketplace. Email or call Ed Van Hal at 701-277-5905 to arrange a time to meet.
When to Enroll
Open enrollment is the part of each year that citizens can freely make changes to their health care coverage purchased through the ACA's Health Insurance Marketplace. The 2018 open enrollment period began November 1st and ends on Saturday, December 15, 2018. During this time, you can:
Re-enroll in your current plan
Choose a plan for the first time
Choose a new plan to replace your current plan
Make changes to your existing insurance plan
You can enroll or change your plan year-round if you have certain life changes:
Get married or divorced
Have a baby or add a dependent to your family
Lose other coverage
Move to a new state
Qualify for Medicaid or CHIP
Email or call Ed Van Hal at 701-277-5905 if your life event qualifies you to change your coverage now.
Using Your Coverage
If you have questions about specific parts of your insurance plan, you must contact your insurance company to get answers. Only your insurance company can answer specific questions about doctors, medications, treatments, medical equipment, and what is and is not covered under your plan. Find contact information for your insurance company on your insurance card or bill.
Small Businesses
Businesses with 50 employees or fewer can offer Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) plans to employees, starting any month of the year. To learn about small business tax credits to help provide insurance coverage to their workers, call Ed Van Hal at 701-277-5905 or email him.